Product Tags: aktualna-ponudba

Product Tag: aktualna-ponudba


Težave s spletnim naročanjem? Naročite na 041 7372 57 ali na tej povezavi.

√ Brezplačna permanentna dostava (gostinci) - povezava.

√ Cene in pošiljanje po pošti - povezava

Order By
Cena: 16,00€
Bachova esenca SKRBI 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence – Dr. Bach terapija proti vsem negat.čustvom, negat.mislim. Za čustveno stabilnost, psihično trdnost. Za izbiro klik na to povezavo. was last modified: by polonca
Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence – PRAVI KOSTANJ (Sweet Chestnut) 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
1-2 repik bachove esence-min
Bachova esenca repik

Bachove esence - REPIK (Agrimony) 30 ml

Cena: 16,00€
Product Tag: aktualna-ponudba was last modified: by polonca
6 češnjika sliva chery plum 6 bachove esence-min
Bachova esenca češnjelika sliva chery plum

Bachove esence ČEŠNJELIKA SLIVA (Cherry Plum) 30 ml

Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence ČEŠNJELIKA SLIVA (Cherry Plum) 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
Bachove esence encijan

Bachove esence ENCIJAN (Gentian) 30 ml

Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence ENCIJAN (Gentian) 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
bachove esence (3)-min
bachove esence

Bachove esence SONČECE,POPON 30 ml

Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence SONČECE,POPON 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
bachove esence-gorjusica-21-min
bachove esence gorjušica

Bachove esence SPREMEMBA, NOVI KORAKI 30 ml

Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence SPREMEMBA, NOVI KORAKI 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence št. 10 – LESNIKA (Crab Apple) 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence št. 11- BREST (ELM) 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence št. 13 – ULEKS (Gorse) 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence št. 2 – TREPETLIKA (Aspen) 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence št. 20 – KRINKAR (Mimulus) 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence št. 25 – RDEČI KOSTANJ (Red Chestnut) 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence št. 29 – MAJNIK (Star of Bethlehem) 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
bachove-esence-bukev-3-min (1)
Bachove esence - BUKEV

Bachove esence št. 3 BUKEV (BEECH) 30 ml

Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence št. 3 BUKEV (BEECH) 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
6 češnjika sliva chery plum 6 bachove esence-min
Bachova esenca češnjelika sliva chery plum

Bachove esence št. 33 - OREH (Walnut) 30 ml

Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence št. 33 – OREH (Walnut) 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence št. 35 – BELI KOSTANJ (WHITE CHESTNUT) 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence št. 4 -TAVŽENTROŽA (Centaury) 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence št. 7 – KOSTANJEV POPEK (Chestnut Bud) 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence št. 8 – CIKORIJA (Chicory) 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence št.- ROŽIČ (Cerato) 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
9 srobot clematis 9 bachove esence-min
bachove esence srobot

Bachove esence št.9 - SROBOT (Clematis) 30 ml

Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence št.9 – SROBOT (Clematis) 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
Cena: 16,00€
Bachove kapljice PANIKA 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
Cena: 16,00€
Bachove kapljice POGUM 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
Cena: 16,00€
Bachove kapljice SAMOKONTROLA 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
Bachova esenca repik


Težave s spletnim naročanjem? Naročite na 041 7372 57 ali na tej povezavi.

√ Brezplačna permanentna dostava (gostinci) - povezava.

√ Cene in pošiljanje po pošti - povezava

Order By
Cena: 16,00€
Bachova esenca SKRBI 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence – Dr. Bach terapija proti vsem negat.čustvom, negat.mislim. Za čustveno stabilnost, psihično trdnost. Za izbiro klik na to povezavo. was last modified: by polonca
Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence – PRAVI KOSTANJ (Sweet Chestnut) 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
1-2 repik bachove esence-min
Bachova esenca repik

Bachove esence - REPIK (Agrimony) 30 ml

Cena: 16,00€
Product Tag: aktualna-ponudba was last modified: by polonca
6 češnjika sliva chery plum 6 bachove esence-min
Bachova esenca češnjelika sliva chery plum

Bachove esence ČEŠNJELIKA SLIVA (Cherry Plum) 30 ml

Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence ČEŠNJELIKA SLIVA (Cherry Plum) 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
Bachove esence encijan

Bachove esence ENCIJAN (Gentian) 30 ml

Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence ENCIJAN (Gentian) 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
bachove esence (3)-min
bachove esence

Bachove esence SONČECE,POPON 30 ml

Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence SONČECE,POPON 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
bachove esence-gorjusica-21-min
bachove esence gorjušica

Bachove esence SPREMEMBA, NOVI KORAKI 30 ml

Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence SPREMEMBA, NOVI KORAKI 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence št. 10 – LESNIKA (Crab Apple) 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence št. 11- BREST (ELM) 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence št. 13 – ULEKS (Gorse) 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence št. 2 – TREPETLIKA (Aspen) 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence št. 20 – KRINKAR (Mimulus) 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence št. 25 – RDEČI KOSTANJ (Red Chestnut) 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence št. 29 – MAJNIK (Star of Bethlehem) 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
bachove-esence-bukev-3-min (1)
Bachove esence - BUKEV

Bachove esence št. 3 BUKEV (BEECH) 30 ml

Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence št. 3 BUKEV (BEECH) 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
6 češnjika sliva chery plum 6 bachove esence-min
Bachova esenca češnjelika sliva chery plum

Bachove esence št. 33 - OREH (Walnut) 30 ml

Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence št. 33 – OREH (Walnut) 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence št. 35 – BELI KOSTANJ (WHITE CHESTNUT) 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence št. 4 -TAVŽENTROŽA (Centaury) 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence št. 7 – KOSTANJEV POPEK (Chestnut Bud) 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence št. 8 – CIKORIJA (Chicory) 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence št.- ROŽIČ (Cerato) 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
9 srobot clematis 9 bachove esence-min
bachove esence srobot

Bachove esence št.9 - SROBOT (Clematis) 30 ml

Cena: 16,00€
Bachove esence št.9 – SROBOT (Clematis) 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
Cena: 16,00€
Bachove kapljice PANIKA 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
Cena: 16,00€
Bachove kapljice POGUM 30 ml was last modified: by polonca
Cena: 16,00€
Bachove kapljice SAMOKONTROLA 30 ml was last modified: by polonca

Product Tag: aktualna-ponudba